
英国Tier 1投资移民

UK Investor Visa

For most Tier 1 Investor visa holders, making a permitted investment in the UK involves transferring investment funds into a managed portfolio of shares and/or corporate bonds issued by a carefully chosen selection of UK listed companies, usually for a period of 5 years.  But some investors prefer more control over their investment, including the ability to monitor the performance of their investment on a daily basis. 

对于大多数英国Tier 1投资移民的签证持有者而言,在英国进行符合要求的投资更多是将资金投到精心挑选的一系列由英国上市公司发行的股票和/或公司债券所组成的投资组合中,通常以5年为期。然而,有些投资者希望拥有更多的投资掌控权,如每天监控投资表现的能力。

Can Tier 1 Investors invest in a single or own business rather than a traditional managed portfolio? Will an investment into a single or own business can satisfy the requirements of the Immigration Rules for an extension of stay as a Tier 1 Investor?  The short answer is, yes, although, structuring such an investment will require careful planning.

除了传统的托管投资组合以外,Tier 1投资移民是否可以投资私人或者自己的公司呢?这样的投资方式又是否满足《移民法规》对投资人续签的要求呢?


Rule #01

The ‘active and trading’ requirement


As required by Home Office, the business receiving the investment must be registered with Companies House in the UK, registered with HM Revenue and Customs for corporation tax and PAYE, have a UK business bank account showing regular trading of its own goods or services and have at least two UK-based employees who are not its directors.


1) 在英国Company House注册的,

2) 在HMRC注册并缴纳公司和工资税的,

3) 拥有英国商业银行帐户并能体现其自有商品或服务的常规交易,

4) 雇佣两名非公司董事的英国员工。

Rule #02

Excluded investments


For present purposes it suffices to note that provided the business receiving the investment is not an offshore company, an open-ended investment company, an investment trust company, an investment syndicate company or a company mainly engaged in property investment, property management or property development then an investment into a single or own business will not be prohibited. 


Rule #03

Maintaining the level of investment


Under the old rules (before 6 November 2014), any fall in the market value of their investments had (has) to be corrected (or ‘topped-up’) before the end of the next reporting period, or within six months, whichever is sooner, by the purchase of further qualifying investments. 


In contrast, at the extension stage, anyone entering the Tier 1 Investor visa category now need only maintain the level of investment, rather than the market value.Now, a Tier 1 Investor visa holder can invest in a single or own business and, provided they do not liquidate any of their shares or bonds (or re-invest if they do), they will be able to demonstrate that they have maintained the level of their investment.

相比之下,新规规定任何Tier 1投资移民在续签时,只需要维持投资水平而非投资的市值。现在,Tier 1投资移民在投资单独的一家或者私有的公司时,只需要提供他们在投资期间没有清算任何股票或债券(如果有清算需进行再投资)的相关文件,即可证明其保持了该投资水平。

Rule #04

Visa extension – Investment Report

续签 - 投资报告

So far so good.  In order to qualify for an extension of stay, a Tier 1 Investor ‘must provide a series of investment portfolio reports, certified as correct by a UK regulated financial institution’.  Therefore, a Tier 1 Investor who is considering investing into a single or own business cannot simply purchase share or loan capital and then sit back – they must find an FCA-regulated investment management firm that is willing to manage an investment into a single or own business. 

到目前为止都还挺顺利。但要保证续签的成功,投资移民“必须提供由英国监管的金融机构出具的一系列投资报告”。因此,想要投资单一或者私有公司的投资者并不是买了债券或股票就万事大吉了 – 您必须找到一家被英国金融行为监管局(FCA)监管且承认的投资管理公司来帮您管理该投资项目。


博思金融(Bullseye Financial Ltd)注册于英格兰和威尔士地区(注册号:12****), 由英国金融行为监管局(FCA)授权监管(FRN:9****)。







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Tier 1 Investors can expect to be asked to provide a prospectus (a formal legal document designed to provide information and full details about an investment offering) and either audited or management accounts for the target company.  Investors are also likely to need the services of a commercial lawyer to either obtain an ISIN (a code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue), draft an official bond purchase agreement or prepare a share certificate.

Tier 1投资移民需要提供招股说明书(一份有关该投资完整信息的正式法律文件)和经过审计或管理的目标公司账目。投资人可能还需要商务律师的帮助以获取ISIN(国际证券识别编码),起草正式的债券购买协议或股份证明书。

The portfolio reports must confirm the price paid for the investment (which must total at least £2 million) and certify that the total investment was maintained (i.e. either not liquidated or liquidated and re-invested within the time period mentioned above). The portfolio reports do not need to certify the value of the business.



Review of the single or own business investment


The investment management firm certifying the investment portfolio reports must confirm to the Home Office that none of the investments being relied on are prohibited (see above Rule #2).  Tier 1 Investors who invest in single or own businesses can therefore expect their investment to be regularly reviewed throughout its life, for confirmation not only that the initial investment is a permitted investment, but that it remains a permitted investment.  

提供投资报告的投资管理公司必须向英国内政部确认该笔投资没有用于那些不符合移民要求的项目(请参阅上文之条件2)。因此,对投资单独一家或私有企业的Tier 1投资移民者来说,请准备好在整个投资周期中的定期审查,不仅要确保初始投资是符合要求的,而且还要保证其一直处于符合要求的状态

Summary 总结

In summary, Tier 1 Investor visa applicants can invest in a single or own business rather than a managed portfolio of UK listed companies.  However, the business receiving the investment must be ‘active and trading’, the business must not be an excluded business type, the level of investment must be maintained, the investment must be reflected in a series of investment portfolio reports that contain certain specified information and are certified as correct by a UK regulated financial institution, any investment by way of a loan to the company must be accompanied by business accounts and Investors can expect their investment to be regularly reviewed.

Tier 1 投资移民申请人可以投资单独一家或者私人的公司。然而,接受投资的目标企业必须“正常经营”;经营范围必须符合要求;投资状态需稳定的维持着;需持有英国金融监管牌照的机构来出具包含必要信息并反应该投资项目的一系列投资报告;任何借贷资本必须附有企业账户,投资人需要做好其投资标的将被定期审查准备。


Mr. Paul Richmond

博思金融特邀知名移民律师为Tier 1投资移民做专栏分享




他最大的优势在于能够预见潜在的陷阱,并做出明智的判断。” (2020年)









