

Beijing, China – A seminar on innovative techniques to combat identity fraud was jointly organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and China National Immigration Administration (NIA) in Beijing on 19 November 2021 under the framework of the EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project (MMSP II), implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) with financial support from the European Union (EU).
中国北京——2021 年 11 月 19 日, 国际移民组织(IOM)和国家移民管理局(NIA)共同举办了关于打击身份欺诈的创新技术研讨会。此活动在第二期支持中欧人员往来和移民领域对话(MMSP II)项目框架下开展。国际移民组织负责项目的执行,欧盟(EU)为项目提供资金支持。
Identity and document fraud present a threat to the security of countries and citizens around the world, with far-reaching repercussions on global economy and cross-border trade.
Forgery techniques evolve to respond to changing border and immigration policies, while border and immigration authorities are called to enhance their capacity in document examination and impostor detection.
In a bit to contribute to the exchange of information on current identity fraud and document forgery trends and techniques between the EU and China, the IOM’s webinar brought together experts and officials from NIA Headquarters and from the General Stations of Immigration Inspection in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Xinjiang as well as from the Finnish Embassy and the British Embassy in Beijing, the French Consulate General in Shanghai, the German Federal Police Headquarter and Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service. 
Experts and practitioners from Frontex–the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, and IOM Headquarters, also attended and contributed to the lively discussion. The format was a hybrid in-person-online event, with participants in Beijing attending in person and the others connected online.
In the opening remarks, Mr. Giuseppe CROCETTI, Chief of Mission of IOM China and Mongolia, recalled that innovation is a process in continued evolution, thanks to technological advancements, and it is therefore high time to discuss innovative techniques to combat identity fraud.
He further stressed that identity fraud too is a process in continued evolution, fueled by the ever-evolving transnational organized crime, which not even the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be able to stop or slow down.
他进一步强调,身份欺诈也是一个不断演变的过程,受到不断发展的跨国有组织犯罪的推动,即使是 COVID-19大流行时似乎也无法阻止或减缓它的演变。
Director GONG Yao of Department of Immigration Inspection of NIA emphasized that the immigration management departments of all countries should strive to strengthen exchanges and international cooperation. Enhancing capacities of border control systems is key to respond to evolving challenges posed by criminal groups.
Ms Maria Linder, Head of the Political, Press and Information Section of the EU Delegation to China, said that an effective management of external borders facilitates legitimate border crossing, contributes to an effective management of travelers, prevention of external threats and improvement of internal security.
欧盟驻华代表团政治、新闻和信息处负责人 Maria Linder 女士表示,有效管理外部边界有助于合法过境,有助于有效管理旅客、防止外部威胁和改善内部安全。
Responding to the expectations of our society and considering global challenges posed by irregular movements, the seminar would deliver practical contribution to the overall objective of fighting against irregular migration, which is a key priority for the new EU security strategy. The security of passports, resident permits, visas, as they are used for travel purposes and as proof of identity, is absolutely essential.
The seminar provided a helpful and valuable platform for European and Chinese immigration officials to discuss and understand key updates in forgery trends, new techniques of inspecting and detecting fraud, modus operandi of perpetrators, impostors and lookalike recognition, challenges to detect them and prevent irregular movements between China and selected EU and non-EU countries.
In addition to countries’ experiences, Frontex briefed participants on the overall approach of the EU to counter document and identity fraud, while IOM presented the dashboards developed by its Document Examination Support Center (DESC) to display interactively the evolution of identity fraud and forgery in the countries participating in the Asian Network for Document Examination (ANDEX).
活动中除了介绍国家经验,欧洲边境和海岸警卫局专家向参会者分享了欧盟打击证件和身份欺诈整体方法的内容,国际移民组织专家介绍了其证件查验支持中心 (DESC) 开发的仪表板信息,并以交互方式展示了参加亚洲证件查验网络(ANDEX)的各国在身份欺诈和造假方面的演变。







